Bullet Journal Ideas
Bullet Journal Ideas

50 Bullet Journal Ideas to Keep Your Life on Track

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A bullet journal is a completely customizable journal used to track whatever your heart desires. From your sleeping habits to your side hustle tasks, you can use your journal to manage everything in one place. You can also use a bullet journal to flex your creative muscles because you get to create every page just the way you like it.

Before getting started, brainstorm where you would like to be financially in the next one, two, and even six months and what goals you will need to start conquering now to get there. For example, if you want to build your emergency fund to $5,000 by the end of the year, it may be time to take up a side hustle or work toward a raise in your current position.

Regardless of what goals you want to achieve this year, you may need a little boost to get you there. Check out our 50 bullet journal layout options to inspire you to set yourself up for the best financial future.

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Ideas to Get Your Health on Track

Your health has an impact on pretty much all elements of your life. From your mood to your performance and decision making abilities. Yet, keeping up with daily health regimens, like drinking enough water or taking a couple minutes to yourself can sometimes add more stress into your routine. Instead of trying to remember to do everything yourself, design the perfect sleep trackers, water check-ins, and good habit creation plans to ensure you never get behind. We’ve brainstormed ten of the best health focused bullet journal ideas (and printable stickers) to ensure you perform the best each day.

1. Stay Hydrated

Always make sure you are staying hydrated, even during the busiest of times. Design your own water chart for each day of the month. On the vertical axis write the day of the month, and on the horizontal axis create a box for each glass of water you need to drink. Throughout the day, check off each box after drinking your needed glass of water.

2. Track Your Stress Levels

When going to the doctor, most of the time they will ask you what your stress levels are like. Design your own honeycomb, box, or any other shaped diagram you prefer to color in your stress levels each day or week. Make sure to add a color key for referencing back on.

3. Write Out What You’re Grateful For

As gratitude practices have proven effects of optimizing your health, increase your happiness and mood by tracking this practice daily. Either section off an area in your journal to write out what you’re most grateful for, or simply track when you practiced gratitude.

4. Make Your Own Anxiety Toolbox Section

Forty percent of Americans’ anxiety increases year after year, so create your own toolbox to use whenever you’re feeling wound up. Write out daily activities to help prevent this, quick tips to handle an anxiety attack, and some of your favorite relaxation tools to practice.

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5. Always Take Time for Yourself

Create an intentions tracker to make sure you’re taking time for yourself throughout the day. Have a specific page in your journal with the list of your daily intentions on the left, and every time you reviewed them on the right.

6. Remember Every Holiday or Event

Create a photo journal of all your favorite memories to look back on. Draw out polaroid or Instagram lookalike outlines to either tape your images to, or write out your favorite thing that happened. Repeat this for every month of the year, special events, or holidays that you’ll want to look back on time and time again.

7. Reward Yourself on All Your Big Wins

Once you have completed a big goal of yours, you must reward yourself! For an added touch, create and sign a contract for each goal you want to complete. Write out why you want to complete this goal and what you’ll get if you complete it, like this.

8. Make Sure You’re Getting Enough Sleep

Design your own sleep tracker to ensure your body is fully rested to conquer every project set in front of you. Create a line chart with your hour count on the vertical axis and each day of the month on the horizontal axis. Each morning track how many hours you slept and predict your energy levels throughout the day.

9. Keep Track of Your Workouts

Stay in tune with your body and track your workout schedule. Create a separate chart for your monthly measurements and which days you participate in low or high intensity workouts. Create boxes to check off every time you went on a hike, climb, or bike ride.

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10. Establish Good Habits

Whether you already have your best habits nailed down, or you’re struggling to keep them up, create a habit tracker page. Write down everything you’d like to accomplish on the vertical axis and each day you want to hold yourself accountable for this goal on the horizontal axis. Cross off each day you completed this action.

Happy Day Stickers Printable Mockup
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Bullet journal ideas #5

Ideas to Build Your Dream Career

To get ahead in your career, you must be proactive about increasing your skills list. To keep your resume cutting edge in this competitive job market, manage your time to optimize hours spent in the workplace and building your skills. Every career path looks different, but you should always be setting new goals and achieving them. To help you along the way, we’ve created printable stickers to motivate you while conquering your bullet journal career vision.

11. Create Your Go-to Project Tracker

Keeping your deadlines and projects on task keeps your stress low. To ensure you’re able to deliver what you need to when you need to, design your own project tracker. List out each day of the month and what’s due. At the bottom of your sheet, add anything else you need to complete before the month comes to an end.

12. Put Your Career Vision Into Action

Put that vision onto paper by designing a career vision bullet journal page. Break your vision into three goals, followed by your favorite boss quote of the year. Below that, write out at least three actionable ways you’re able to achieve those goals over time. Draw out at least ten boxes at the bottom to color in as you start working on this goal.

13. Level Ten Your Career

Pick ten areas of your career you would like to level up. Create a graph with each goal on the vertical axis and the numbers one through ten on the horizontal axis. As the year goes on, and you really start to hone in these goals, start coloring in boxes to the right of each goal until you have leveled up your career goals.

14. Encourage Continued Education

Whether the company you work for has a development budget or not, research online programs or local events to grow your skills. To stay accountable for doing so, create a study schedule or work schedule each month with at least four things you would like to complete. Add this to your resume or reference at your next work review for a salary boost.

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15. Have All Your Passwords in One Place

There’s nothing worse than being locked out of your accounts because you can remember your passwords. Design your own password vault with every password you would ever need. Categorize these by business, personal, and family accounts.

16. Keep Track of All the Books You Read

Draw a bookshelf filled with books you want to read. As you complete each book, color in each outlined book on your shelf until each one is colored in. Underneath your shelf, add the title of the book you read and give it a rating out of five stars to reference when your friends ask which ones are your favorite.

17. Map Out Your Ideal Productive Morning Routine

Your mornings set the tone of your day. When you have a productive morning routine, you’re able to complete far more than sleeping in and rushing to work. Design your ideal morning routine in the form of a timeline. Review this before bed, or right when you wake up, to make sure you start your morning off on the right foot.

18. Look Back on Your Career Mood in Pixels

Track your mood each work day by color coordinating your mood (happy, sad, mellow, and exciting days). Draw small boxes all throughout your journal page with a color key at the bottom. By the end of the year, your page will be filled with different colors based on your mood. You may be able to pinpoint the times you completed your biggest projects and pushed passed roadblocks that excelled your career.

19. Stay in Tune With Your Job Search

Whether you want to find a new job, or are looking for one during a little break, stay updated during your search. Track when you applied, when to follow up, and when your interview may be. Leave a small notes area to fill in any other information or tips you may want to leave yourself throughout the interview process.

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20. Have Your Own Monthly Review

Keep track of successes and failures at your job, side hustle, or even small projects at home with a monthly review. Write out what worked, what didn’t, what you need to improve on. After a couple months have gone by, come back and write out your improvements made.

Monthly Review Stickers Mockup
Monthly Review Stickers Download Button
Bullet journal idea #8

Ideas for Managing Your Side Hustle

Similar to building your skills while working full-time, you must build your time management and organizational skills when growing your side hustle. Before taking on your sidegig, create easy frameworks to streamline your practices when you’re off the clock. Establishing 15 minutes task lists to complete during your work lunch or a strategic guide to building your social media are a few examples. With these bullet journal ideas, you’ll be reaching your side-hustle savings goals in no time.

21. List Out a 15 Minute Task List

Create a list of easy side-hustle tasks that’ll take no longer than fifteen minutes of your time. During your work breaks or lunches, utilize this time to check one, or three, things off your list.

22. See Which Tasks You Did Last

When checking off all your fifteen minute tasks, keep track of which ones you were able to complete on another page. Write each task on the right side and date each time you completed it to the right of the task. That way, you’ll have an easy reference guide when quickly checking off your to-do’s during lunch.

23. Create Your Own Tax Vault

Design your own tax payment tracker with your past year’s payments or earnings. Draw out boxes on the left with the last five years or payments or earnings. If you normally have to pay tax each year, keep a column off to the right to keep track of how much you have in your savings to pay towards taxes as the New Year approaches.

24. Establish Quarterly Goals

Create goals to reach toward quarterly, just like you would your full-time job. Split your page into four quadrants and brainstorm at least three goals to focus on over the course of each three month period.

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25. Design Your Dream Vision Board

Instead of cutting out magazine clippings and gluing all of your favorite things to poster board, draw your own vision board to look at whenever you want a productivity boost. Draw your biggest goals for the year from where you’d love to travel, and how much you’d like to save.

26. Remember Each Textbook You Borrow

Create the ultimate textbook tracker whether you’re in school or renting from the library to save from unneeded expenses. Design your own chart with the name for each, the class or project it’s for, and when the due dates are — similar to this required reading list.

27. Track Your Business Milestones

Make sure you are celebrating each step your side hustle tackles. Similar to the monthly review, write down every achievement you have throughout the month. At the end when you’re reviewing your month, you will have an easy reference as to what you should be proud of.

28. Have an About Me Page

As you build your side hustle, many people you meet along the way will ask you to tell them about yourself. Create a page in your journal with an easy reference of all your favorite things, what you’re good at, and your traits that make you, you.

29. See How Much You Earn at Your Side Hustle

Design your own side hustle savings tracker to see how much this side project really contributes to your wallet. Disperse your earnings into whichever savings account you would like and keep track of each, just like these savings goal trackers.

30. Create a Social Media Guide

As most entrepreneurs create their own social media platforms for their business, you potentially being one of them, keep track of all your profiles in one place. Dedicate a page for each platform with tags and hashtags to alternate, and schedule when each post should go live.

Customizable Note Stickers Mockup
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Bullet journal idea #10

Ideas When Taking Care of Your Family

When you’re taking care of your family, there’s a lot that comes into play. From meal planning like an expert to remembering doctor appointments and medical bills, you’re the source for it all. To keep your family’s records and plans in order, keep them in one place — your bullet journal. We’ve compiled ten of our favorite bullet journal family layouts along with a printable family game to kickstart your next family movie theatre night.

31. Create Your Ultimate Food Menu

In your bullet journal, list out each day of the week and what you would like to cook for dinner for each. From there, color coordinate each food group — fruits, veggies, dry grocery, and frozen grocery. List out each meal’s needed ingredients for an easy guide when shopping.

32. Have Your Medical History in One Place

When your family starts to grow, so does your schedule. When planning doctor, dentist, and any other health related appointments, reference your appointment tracker page.

33. See Which Produce Are In-season

Each month, map out which produce is the best produce of the month. Refer back to this when you’re outlining your grocery budget for lower prices, and longer lasting produce.

34. Store All Your New Recipe Ideas

Create your own recipe book with all of you and your family’s favorites. Instead of doing your meal prepping research every week, you’ll have recipes right at your fingertips. Have your family color in each recipe page to make this journal even more special.

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35. Keep Track of Your Cleaning Records

Most of the time, you feel as if your life is in order if your house is in order. Establish a strong cleaning routine by creating a daily, weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly cleaning schedule for your family. Section your journal into four sections and list out each chore to assign to each member of your family and get to cleaning!

36. Track All the National Parks You Visit

As the summer quickly approaches, list out all the national parks you and your family want to visit, like this bullet journal. Even add certain symbols to remember which ones were your favorite.

37. Encourage Your Family to Volunteer

If you’re a family that likes to or wants to, volunteer, start with this bullet journal template. On the right side of your page, write out the organizations you would like to help out with. In the middle, list out the days and dates you would like your family to participate. Once you’ve completed your time, track it on the right hand side of the page to look back on.

38. Be on Top of Birthdays and Holidays List

Birthdays and holidays can sometimes be easy to forget. Design a birthday page in your journal where you list every month of the year, and which birthdays fall under each month.

39. Create a Go-to Packing List

Packing for your family can sometimes take hours. Instead of brainstorming what you’ll all need each time you travel, create your own like this packing checklist to streamline your own family’s packing process.

40. List Out Family Game Night Ideas

To make your family nights a little more special, keep track of new ideas that pop into your head. Create a special list for your family to pick out an idea from each week to do together.

Movie Night Bingo Mockup
Movie Night Bingo Download Button
Bullet journal idea #12

Ideas for Improving Your Financial Life

When managing your money, it’s best to consistently check-in with your budget and ask yourself the hard questions. When designing your bullet journal, scheduling weekly check-ins can be fun when you get to color coordinate each addition to your savings account. We’ve brainstormed ten bullet journal ideas to work towards your financial goals in style, including free printable materials to get the best bang for your buck.

41. Be Mindful of Your Utility Bills

Design a line chart in your bullet journal to analyze each month’s utility usages. Create a small chart for your electric, heat/AC, water and other expenses like your trash. Add money value metrics to the vertical axis, and the month on the horizontal axis. At the end of the year, see where you tend to spend the most money on each resource.

42. Keep Track of Your Credit Card Expenses

Create a page or two in your journal to keep track of each card you use consistently. Create a chart with your statement balance on the vertical axis, and the month on the horizontal axis. Color coordinate each credit card and add a key at the bottom for easy readability. Over time, develop a line chart like this by adding a dot for each credit card balance each month to see your debt decrease every payment you make.

43. Take on a Side Hustle Without a Sweat

When taking on extra projects aside from your full-time job, things can get out of hand if you aren’t organized. Create a monthly spread of all your side hustle project “to-do”s and their due dates. Add these to your weekly work spread like this to ensure you will have all your tasks completed to build your side hustled business.

44. Do a Brain Dump

At random times, you may get spurts of creativity. When your ideas come knocking at your door, design your own brain dump page. Whether you’re thinking of what you need to do in the morning or a great business idea, write it down!

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45. Create a Motivational Page

Design a page dedicated to your favorite boss quotes and where you’d like to be in the future. When you’re in a rut, or just want a quick pick-me-up, refer to this page for an enlightening message. Whenever you find another quote or idea you like, add it to this page!

46. Establish Long Term Money Goals

Paying off debt and growing your savings doesn’t happen overnight. To stay motivated to build your finances and stay in tune with your goals, create a long term savings tracker. Each month track your savings balance from our app to visually see your account grow month after month.

47. Keep Track of Things You Want to Try

There are many free resources to build your career, your finances, or even your own business. Normally, when you hear about a new resource, you don’t have the time to check it out right then and there. Add or create a section in your monthly layout with your goals and list out new things you’d like to try at the bottom when you have the time.

48. Analyze Your Goals Using a SWOT Page

Create a page dedicated to your goals, potential earnings and road blocks. Break down each goal’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats using this framework. Examine how each goal can strengthen your finances, where it may fall short, opportunities to grow, and what may stop you from achieving this goal.

49. Host Your Own Monthly Money Challenges

Pick a month on the calendar and challenge yourself to a no spend month. Draw a box for each day of the month to check off when you don’t make any unneeded purchases. Make sure to create a rubric for what are considered “necessities” and “extras” to ensure you don’t spend on something you aren’t supposed to.

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50. Have Weekly Money Check-ins With Yourself

Design a calendar that is specific to keeping you accountable for checking in with your finances. Highlight one day of the week, each week, you would like to check in with your budget on a monthly calendar spread. Use our app to easily see all your credit card payments and charges in one place. Review your finances each week to keep you in tune with your spending habits.

Creating your own bullet journal to reflect exactly what you’re trying to accomplish can keep you in touch with your goals while documenting your journey. Start managing your goals in a more innovative and creative way than just jotting them in your planner and hitting the road.

Start growing your savings, improving your health, and kickstart that side hustle you’ve been thinking of for years by strategically planning each step. Using a bullet journal helps you stay accountable. Always remember why you created each goal in the first place and use our app for an easy way to stay up to date with your budget when updating your journal.

Sources: Sidereal Life | BuJoing | Dollarnomics | Passion Planner | Evydraws | Blush & Pine Creative | All Round Better Me | Bullet Journal | Little Coffee Fox |