Budgeting 101 You know you need to budget. But where do you start? This series covers the most important aspects of budgeting like how to create one, what to include, and how to manage it. Get started with the Budgeting Basics to take the next step in your financial journey! Budgeting Basics Investment Calculator BudgetUpkeep Compound Interest Calculator Creating a Budget Retirement Savings Calculator Frequently Asked Questions Intro Guide to Cryptocurrency Budgeting 101 Chapter 01: What Is a Budget & How to Create One Budgeting 101 Chapter 02: What to Include in Your Budget Budgeting 101 Chapter 03: Managing Living Expenses with a Budget Budgeting 101 Chapter 04: How to Create a Budget Budgeting 101 Chapter 05: How to Create a Budget in Mint Budgeting 101 Chapter 06: Using a Budget Template Budgeting 101 Chapter 07: Using the 50-30-20 Rule to Budget Budgeting 101 Chapter 08: Zero-Based Budgeting 101 Budgeting 101 Chapter 09: Managing Your Money with a Budget Budgeting 101 Chapter 10: Set Up Your Mint Goals FAQs How should a beginner budget? Starting a budget could be as easy as writing down all your expenses and income sources to see where you stand. However, there are also various resources you can use. Learn how to create a budget in Mint in Chapter 5 or how to use a budget template in Chapter 6. To walk through the whole budget-making process, we recommend reading this series from start to finish What do you include in a budget? Generally, there are three main components of a budget: Income ExpensesSavings However, you can break each of these categories into much more granular detail. For example, your expenses will usually consist of your living expenses but you may also want to include investments. Each individual’s budget will be customized to their financial situation. How do you make a budget spreadsheet? A budget spreadsheet usually includes columns for your income and expenses. You can also have a column for savings. You may also want to add a function that calculates the totals for you, so you can easily see how much money you have going out and coming in. Putting together a budgeting spreadsheet may seem like a lot of work, but we make it easy with our free budget templates which you can find in Chapter 6. We have household budget templates, spreadsheet layouts specifically for college students, and more. Can you automate your budget? Yes, you can automate your monthly budget with Mint. You can set up your budget within the mobile app or on the site so that it tracks your income and spending over time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcYNlgaB-MM