Twitter Chat: Wedding Budget 101

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Are you recently engaged and stressed about all of your upcoming wedding expenses? Are you in multiple bridal parties this summer/fall? Are you a newlywed who has questions about managing your finances as a married couple?

We’re partnering up with Vera Gibbons, Mint Contributor and Personal Finance expert, to host a live #MintBrides Twitter Chat this Wednesday, July 16th from 6p.m. to 7p.m. EDT where we will be discussing all kinds of wedding-related budget advice with two of our favorite bridal bloggers.

Hosts: @Mint and Personal Finance Expert, @Vera Gibbons

Participants: Broke Ass Bride (@BrokeAssBride) & Junebug Weddings (@junebugweddings)

Make sure you follow Mint (@Mint) and Vera Gibbons (@veragibbons) on Twitter so you can jump right in. Use the hashtag #MintBrides to search and select the “All” search option to follow the chat in real time.