The First Step To Achieving Your Goals Is Having The #RealMoneyTalk

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Whether it’s retiring early, living your best debt-free life or joining the 800 credit score club, we all have big life goals we want to achieve. 

As much as we want them to, these goals don’t just happen overnight. So how do we get there? By taking that first step, no matter how big or small, in that direction. 

#RealMoneyTalk, getting started is usually the hardest part. That is why we asked our community to share their A-B goal in order to achieve their big A-Z goal! As part of our #RealMoneyTalk campaign round three (!!), we read countless inspiring stories, from paying off debt to saving for retirement, to raising your credit score by 30 points. We’re sharing some of our favorite entries below, including the three lucky winners from this year’s sweepstakes. 

Getting Out Of Debt 

Throughout the campaign, we saw so many of you share your financial goals to pay off debt including medical debt, student loans, car loans, and your mortgage. We appreciate our community for coming together to be so vulnerable in sharing your financial struggles. Hopefully, it made you feel less alone seeing so many others who are in the same boat!  Congratulations to our three winners, Chelsea, Lynne and Michael who shared their plans to tackle debt. Keep it up!

My big picture goal is to be able to retire. My A to B next step is to make more money so I can do so. — Chelsea D.

I would like to retire with no debt so that I can be free to babysit those grandkids! I’ll be starting that by taking on no more debt and work like crazy to get the debt I have paid off soon! — Lynne W.

My life goal is to travel a lot, but at the moment it’s impossible because I am in debt. I created a plan and the first step is paying off my credit card bill. — Michael Z.  

Managing debt is crucial in helping strengthen your financial health. We respect the hustle and the continuous effort you’re putting in to reach financial freedom! 

Saving Up For That Big Picture Goal

Aside from taking steps to reduce debt, people shared various goals including saving up for some major life events and milestones. We’re proud of you for saving that coin to reach your big picture goals of attending college, buying a home and having a comfortable retirement. Another popular goal was establishing an emergency fund to stay financially secure. Looking ahead while you plan financially is the key to getting where you want to be. 

Shout out to everyone planning out those baby steps to cut down costs and reach your BIG goal! From budgeting (hey Minters) to spending less money eating out and even taking a hard look at your subscriptions, it’s all about the small choices we make on this financial journey. 

I am cutting out ordering from food delivery services. I spent a lot of money on these services last year. I can apply money saved toward payments on my car so I can pay it off faster!— Kellie R. 

As much as we love getting our food right at our doorstep, the cost of ordering can burn a hole in your wallet quicker than you think! We know the journey to improving your financial health isn’t always easy but all those small steps truly do add up. 

Credit Score Goin’ Up

Last but not least, one of the most important 3 digits in our lives– the credit score! 

Our credit score can either slow us down or completely propel us towards our big goals. With that said, it was no surprise that we saw so many financial goals related to achieving a higher score. The most popular reason? To qualify for a good mortgage loan. We see you, future-homeowners! 

#RealMoneyTalk, we know raising your credit score can get tricky, but little steps like setting up auto-pay and a lot of patience will get you to where you want to be. 

“I REALLY want to buy a house. In order to be able to do that I need to get my credit in check. Every pay period I am putting as much as I can towards card payments and other bills. It feels good to see my credit score starting to go up” — Michelle L.

We’ll be on the look-out for when you put a (key) ring on your future home. 

This campaign is a reminder to all of us that although we all may have different end goals, we’re all in this financial journey together. With the support of Turbo and the amazing community you’ve helped build, we hope you have all the encouragement and inspiration you need in achieving these big goals. Don’t forget to continue the #RealMoneyTalk with your friends and family and hold each other accountable for those goals and next steps!