Money Saving Tips: Lunch on the Cheap

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Looking for some money saving tips? How about saving $295 per year by packing your lunch? Awesome blogger Clever Dude and his wife, Clever Dudette (a Registered Dietitian) shows the world a lunch menu that’s both enjoyable and easy on the wallet.

Clever Duette Frugal Lunch Idea:

Turkey sandwich on wheat bread with lettuce, tomato, light mayo, carrot sticks, canned pears in light syrup and a snack pack of Oreos (the husband’s favorite):

  • Turkey sandwich on wheat bread ($1.30)
  • Lettuce ($0.25)
  • Tomato ($0.25)
  • Light mayo ($0.14)
  • Carrot sticks ($0.12)
  • Canned pears in light syrup ($0.69)
  • Snack pack of Oreos ($0.41)
  • Fountain or cooler water (free!)

Cost: $3.16

Comparison with eating out? Let’s assume an average lunch is $6 and that you have the frugal lunch idea twice per week. By packing your own lunch twice per week, you will save annually $295!

What more money saving tips? Check out more frugal lunch ideas from!

Have your own frugal lunch idea? Sharing is caring 🙂