What’s In My Wallet: Aaron Patzer

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If you’re vigilant about your finances, chances are you are intimately familiar with the contents of your wallet. You’ve selected with care each credit and debit card you use, you know how much cash you have on hand and have a fair idea of how long it will be before you need to head to the ATM.

Well, maybe you’re not that vigilant. But you’ll agree that what you carry in your wallet can be as important to your financial health as your healthiest financial habits.

That said, aren’t you curious to find out what your personal finance gurus and favorite celebrities carry in their wallets?

So are we! That’s why we are launching a new series, in which we ask celebrities – from top personal finance experts to successful entrepreneurs or business personalities – to show us what’s in their wallets and why.

Without further ado, we now give you a first look at the wallet of Mint.com founder Aaron Patzer. The infographic above is interactive: simply hover above each item to see why Patzer has it and how and where he uses it.

Who else would you like to see featured in our new series? Tell us in the comments.