Unemployment What to Do When Work Dries Up Read the Article Open Share Drawer Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) Written by Mint.com Published Sep 4, 2020 - [Updated Apr 26, 2022] 7 min read Advertising Disclosure The views expressed on this blog are those of the bloggers, and not necessarily those of Intuit. Third-party blogger may have received compensation for their time and services. Click here to read full disclosure on third-party bloggers. This blog does not provide legal, financial, accounting or tax advice. The content on this blog is "as is" and carries no warranties. Intuit does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the content on this blog. After 20 days, comments are closed on posts. Intuit may, but has no obligation to, monitor comments. Comments that include profanity or abusive language will not be posted. Click here to read full Terms of Service. This post originally appeared on Stash Learn As COVID-19 continues to disrupt the daily lives of people in the U.S. and around the world, Stash—an all-in-one financial platform that can help you build wealth and create a healthier financial future through budgeting, saving, and investing—has put together resources to help keep you informed about recent events that could affect your money. In partnership with Mint, Stash is offering new members $10 to invest—to help boost your growth potential in this uncertain time. To redeem this bonus simply sign up for Stash, and once you drop $5 into your Invest account, you’ll get an extra $10 to start investing.*Download Stash The emails and text messages came fast, almost seeming to pick up speed — this project has been postponed, that gig is canceled, we no longer have the funding to pay you. Within a matter of days, the work that pays the bills in our house had almost entirely vanished. I am a freelance writer. My fiancée is a cellist with the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra, which has canceled the rest of its season, and two quartets, which can no longer perform. A pandemic is not a great time to be in a creative profession. We also live in New Orleans, which had one of the fastest COVID-19 growth rates in the world and a death rate of about double the national average. We lived under a shelter-in-place ordinance for weeks on end, but that didn’t stop some New Orleanians from throwing ad hoc parades, called second lines, as a way to beat the boredom. We are now reopening society, and I’m happy to report that New Orleans is largely behaving itself. While I am still working some, most of my clients have paused, postponed or eliminated their projects and I’m earning a small fraction of what I was bringing in this time last year. It’s certainly not enough money to pay the bills. And on top of that, I got sick with classic Covid-19 symptoms just as New Orleans’ coronavirus numbers began skyrocketing. Then my son and my fiancée got sick, though thankfully with much milder symptoms. My Covid-19 test came back negative, but the anxiety over whether or not we had it and if the test was a false negative plus the illness wasn’t conducive to working efficiently. New Orleanians are used to hunkering down and preparing for disaster. Whether it’s hurricanes, tornado warnings or floods from the summer rain, we know how to stock up and stay put. But the threat from Covid-19 is a whole other level of disaster. For the first time in our professional lives, it’s not a matter of hustling or networking or applications or auditions. Those opportunities have, for the most part, vanished. It’s not that we can’t find work, it’s that the work isn’t there to be found. Not the work that will pay enough to foot the bills, at least. And still, we haven’t panicked about money—yet. Instead, we are working together to change our approach. Cut down on discretionary spending This means reading the books we have on our shelves, mastering the video games we’ve already bought, and watching Netflix that we already have a subscription for. It also means meal planning with the food we bought on our last big trip to the grocery store before the shelter-in-place order, and freezing the leftovers. We also keep an eye on the perishables and expiration dates so that nothing goes to waste. We stretch leftovers by adding rice or pasta. That doesn’t mean we are depriving ourselves. We have to seek out enjoyment of life wherever we can find it right now. In April, I ordered Easter egg hunt supplies to keep that tradition going for my six-year-old son. For fun, my son got an inexpensive pogo stick, my fiancée got $30 of workout gear and I ordered a couple of new puzzles. Reprioritize Savings Money that was once meant to be socked away is now going to be used to pay for rent, utilities and groceries. Between the two of us, my fiancée and I had big plans for our respective savings — retirement, investments, travel. Before the Corona-crash, we had talked about passive income like running an AirBNB or managing a rental. Those plans, much like our careers, are on hold for now. Because we still have bills to pay. Many utility companies in our area and across the nation are offering deferred payments or waiving late fees. But the bills will still be due when life starts returning to normal, so we’d rather pay them while we can than let them pile up and risk potential debt. Be smart about the stock market We have watched in horror as the stock market plunges then freezes, plunges then freezes. I lost a five-figure amount from my investment portfolio in February alone. My fiancée has seen her accounts plummet similarly with some stock options completely wiped out. It’s easy to say out loud that we will be okay because we are investing for the long haul, but watching your money disappear like it’s being lit on fire is panic-inducing. Yes, that money is for the long haul, but how long will it take to get it back? What would that portfolio have been worth if this had never happened? In the interest of not panicking, we’ve decided to not touch the accounts until the economy rights itself. That means no taking money out, no putting it in, no buying or selling. Buckle down and do the work that’s available In creative industries like ours, we don’t have the option to just sit back and do nothing. I’m staying in touch with clients and editors and she is practicing her cello several hours at a time. I’m taking whatever work comes my way and she is recording music both for the LPO and her quartet. When we start coming out of this, we will need to be first in line to get back to work so we are doing what we can now to stay relevant. Consider options for the future We recognize how lucky we are that we have had money to put into the savings that is keeping us afloat. But no one knows how long this pandemic will keep us housebound and the money will run out eventually. So we’ve begun chatting about next steps. We may have to start taking work that is significantly underpaid just to bring in something, anything that can offset what we are taking out of savings. We’ve discussed whether one or both of us should start looking at jobs such as Uber Eats or Postmates, something that provides a service but that wouldn’t put us in a lot of contact with other people. And even though we are well into adulthood, we may also have to borrow money from our parents and pay them back once we start working again. It will hurt our pride for sure, but it’s better than falling behind on our bills. But we will figure it out. As COVID-19 continues to disrupt the daily lives of people in the U.S. and around the world, Stash—an all-in-one financial platform that can help you build wealth and create a healthier financial future through budgeting, saving, and investing—has put together resources to help keep you informed about recent events that could affect your money. In partnership with Mint, Stash is offering new members $10 to invest—to help boost your growth potential in this uncertain time. To redeem this bonus simply sign up for Stash, and once you drop $5 into your Invest account, you’ll get an extra $10 to start investing.*Download Stash Intuit Mint is a paid partner of Stash. This material is not intended as investment advice and is not meant to suggest that any securities are suitable investments for any particular investor. Investment advice is only provided to Stash customers. All investments are subject to risk and may lose value. Holdings and performance are hypothetical. Investment advisory services offered by Stash Investments LLC, an SEC registered investment adviser. Investing involves risk and investments may lose value. For more information, please visit www.stashinvest.com. 1Stash does not offer an interest-bearing savings account. *Offer is subject to Promotion Terms and Conditions To be eligible to participate in this Promotion and receive the bonus, you must successfully open an individual brokerage account in good standing, link a funding account to your Invest account AND deposit $5.00 into your Invest account. Previous Post How to Negotiate Salary Increases and Promotions Next Post The Best Financial Books for College Students Written by Mint.com More from Mint.com Browse Related Articles Mint App News Intuit Credit Karma welcomes all Minters! Retirement 101 5 Things the SECURE 2.0 Act changes about retirement Home Buying 101 What Are Homeowners Association (HOA) Fees and What Do They Cover? Financial Planning What Are Tax Deductions and Credits? 20 Ways To Save on Taxes Financial Planning What Is Income Tax and How Is It Calculated? 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