70 Tidbits and Tips on Personal Finance

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The 109th Carnival of Personal Finance – “First Post” Edition

Your first bicycle. Your first day at school. Your kid’s first word. The first time you won the state lottery (or not). Life contains many firsts — and this is the first time we’re hosting the Carnival of Personal Finance.

Welcome to the Mint Blog. If this is your first visit, we encourage you to subscribe to our RSS feed.

To celerbrate our first hosting, we have listed each of the blog submissions below along with their first post — aka their blog birthday (when available). Check out the submissions below, if you find the blog interesting, subscribe to their RSS feed and leave a little note on their first post!

We’re glad you’re joining us today and we hope you enjoy this carnival (bonus fun facts below).

Mint’s Note: For those that don’t know, blog carnivals are weekly collections of interesting post from across the blogsphere. This week’s Carnival of Personal Finance is hosted by yours truly, The Mint Blog. Submissions are placed in specific categories and listed in no particular order.

Editor’s Choice:

  • Think About Your Finances Before Having (More) Children from Money, Matter, and More Musings. Golbguru muses on the questions you should ask in regards to finances before you consider having children. A very interesting read along with a lively discussion and input from the community. Golbguru’s first post: 8/21/2006.
  • Five Accounts You Absolutely Must Have (And Four You Don’t) from Blueprint for Financial Prosperity. The title is probably pretty self explanatory. Jim writes about five financial accounts you absolutely must have and four you can definitely live without. The five must have: high-yield online savings account; savings/checking at a credit union; retirement account (Roth IRA, 401k or equivalent); accessible checking account (ubiquitous ATMs); credit card account (yes, really). Jim’s first post: 1/31/2005.
  • Canceled Oldest Credit card from The Finance Buff. TFB went against conventional wisdom and canceled his oldest credit card. No big deal, he says. We agree (specifically for his situation, anyway). TFB’s first post: 10/05/2006.
  • Campaign Against Financial Myths: Part 4 – Mortgage & Home Ownership from Grad Money Matters. Ispf continues his series on financial myth by debunking ten common financial myths to mortgage and home ownership. Ispf’s first post: 11/19/2006.










Fun Facts on Submissions:

Oldest Blog: Flexo’s Consumerism Commentary in July of 2003! “Close second” would be Jonathan’s My Money Blog in December of 2004.

Youngest Blog: MMN’s Millionaire Mommy Next Door in July of 2007. Close second would be Keith’s Coddleshell in June of 2007.

Most popular month to start a blog: Five blogs in October of 2006.

Blog birthdays in…

2003: 1; 2004: 1; 2005: 9; 2006: 24; 2007: 26

That’s all for this week’s Carnival of Personal Finance. Thanks for visiting!

If you find any error or omission, please let us know and we’ll have it fixed right away. Next week’s carnival is hosted at Fat Pitch Financial.