Congratulations TechCrunch50 Winners!

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We said we’d be awarding two free passes to TechCrunch50 today, but we’re going to have to give out three!

Here are the winners of Mint’s Be Our Guest at TC50 Contest:

Most Referrals and New Users generated

Ryan M. of Berkeley, California who overcame the (admitted) limitations of our Tell a Friend feature to download what must be a sizable chunk of his friends and family’s emails.  We think they’ll thank him later.

Best “How Mint Has Helped Me” Story

Robert L. of Jacksonville, Florida, whose story not only included his Top 11 Reasons he loves Mint (sure to be on Letterman very soon) but also quantified all the time and money savings he’s gotten from using for the past year ($1,000 and 40 hours, btw).  Exactly the right approach to story telling when most of the judges are Engineers!

NEW!  Special Award for Creativity and Over-the-Top Commitment in a Contest Entry

Dan H. of Chicago, Illinois, aka the MintFanatic™ who not only coined the MintFanatic term, but also created a web site and posted daily videos on How Mint has helped him.  Dan so blew us away that we had to create a special category and award just for him.

Congratulations to our three winners, and a big thank you to everyone who submitted stories and introduced Mint to your friends over the past two weeks.  Remember, if you love Mint, please Tell a Friend. They’ll thank you and we can keep free!

Donna, CMO,